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Employment Application Employment Application Steve Greco Landscaping Inc.

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This company is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to nondiscrimination in employment. The company selects the best qualified individual for the job based on job-related qualifications regardless of race, age, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual preference, disability, or any other basis protected by applicable law.

Personal Information/Current Address

* First Name:
Middle Name:
* Last Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State: * Zip Code:

Contact Information

Desired Employment

Are you able to perform the essential function of the position with or without accomodations?:

Do you prefer:


High School

Technical/Trade School


Other Education

Employment History

List most recent employer first.

Include employer's name, address, job description, and years employed.

Employer 1 (Most Recent)

Dates Employed

Employer 2

Dates Employed

Employer 3

Dates Employed

Employer 4

Dates Employed

Employment Questions

Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States of America?:

If hired, can you furnish proof that you are over 18 years of age?:

Are you employed now?:

Can we contact your present employer?:

Have you ever applied to or worked for Steve Greco Landscaping Inc. before?:

Do you have any relatives or friends currently working for Steve Greco Landscaping Inc.?:


Answering "yes" to these questions does not constitute an automatic bar to employment. Factors such as age and time of the offense, seriousness and nature of the violation, and rehabilitation will be taken into account.

Have you ever pled guilty or "no contest" to, or been convicted of, a misdemeanor or felony?:

Have you ever been terminated or asked to resign from any job?:

Do you have adequate transportation to and from work?:

Do you have a valid Driver's License?:


Please list work related references only.

Name: City, State: Daytime Phone #:

Resume Upload

You may upload a *.pdf, *.txt or *.doc file.

By submitting this employment application, I certify that the information given is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have not knowingly withheld any fact or circumstance. I understand that falsifying or omitting information on this form may cause me to be disqualified from further consideration or dismissed from employment.

All employment offers are made contingent upon satisfactory proof of legal authorization to work in the United States according to law. I understand that failure to provide satisfactory proof of identity and authorization to work in the United States will disqualify me from employment. I also understand that, if hired, my status will be that of an employee at will, with no contractual rights, expressed or implied, to remain employed. In consideration of my employment, I specifically agree that my employment may be terminated with or without cause or notice, at any time, at the option of either the company or myself. I authorize Steve Greco Landscaping Inc. to investigate, confirm and supplement any information contained on this application and to contact former employers unless otherwise advised.


I understand and agree that my typed in name on the signature line of this employment application is the equivalent of an in person signature by me, and for all purposes, now and in the future, the company and its related entities, shall be entitled to consider it as such.


This application will be considered active for a maximum of thirty (30) days. If you wish to be considered for employment after that time, you must reapply.

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